
Hourly Rate: 12 / hr
Availability: fdsfsd
Language Offered: Amazigh, Arab, English, French
Teaching Language: Amazigh, ARABIC
Teaching Method: Immersive, Interactive, Traditional
Name: dsfsdfsdfsd
Country: Maroc
Teaching Experience (YEARS): 20 years years
City: Agadir
Fax: +932122212
Trial Lesson Offered: No, Yes
Student Age Group: Adults, All Ages, Children, Teens
Language Offered: Amazigh, Arab, English, French
Teaching Language: Amazigh, ARABIC
Teaching Method: Immersive, Interactive, Traditional
Teaching Mode: In-Person, Online
Teaching Certifications: DALF/DELF: For teaching French., DELE: Certification for teaching Spanish as a foreign language., TESOL/TEFL/CELTA: Certificates for teaching English as a second or foreign language.
Specialization: Business Language, Conversation, Exam Preparation, Grammar
Lesson Materials Provided: Audio/Video Content, Certificates of Completion, Flashcards, Homework Assignments, Interactive Tools, Online Resources, Quizzes and Tests, Supplementary Reading, Textbooks, Workbooks

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